Monday, March 6, 2017

Spring leaf turning.

March 6, 2017.

Today marks me turning over a new leaf. I have slowly turning my home and life into the minimalist lifestyle.  I've been making great progress and today I plan on taking on my living room.

I have found the journey slow going however as I have 2 small children (7 and 2) and they make it a tad hard to completely dive in to minimalism.

Yesterday we spent an hour working on our bedrooms and my son told me, "I feel a lot more happy now that my room  is clean and I have room to play."

This is a huge milestone as this came from the mouth of my "pack rat" son who loves to collect random items such as rocks, tiny toys and action figures.

Our living room currently consists of a TV Stand,  end tables, couch, bookshelves littered with unnecessary items and tons of toys.

Here's what I'm working with:

Since we are a huge Disney loving family we have decided to keep our vhs and par down on others movies we might not watch as much and could easily stream online. 

What are you up to today? Do you have any tips on going minimalist with kids? Leave your comments below.